Awareness of energies is a key concept in my therapy with both children and adults. This book is a delightful invitation for children to learn to think out of the box and expand their consciousness of self. It is a book that is long overdue and yet ahead of its time.
Karin Galliano, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Men and women have long known of the power humans have to heal. Yet, particularly in industrialized societies like ours, such gifts are ignored or shunned. Csongor Daniel, a healer in his own right, tells an evocative story of his little girl, who has inherited her father’s ability to ease pain.
Daniel shows us that such a talent brings with it great responsibility, and can often expose the bearer to ridicule. How Kylie copes with the consequences of her power offers a lesson to any young person who may feel different.
But beyond that, Daniel deftly uses the metaphor of the child practitioner to explain the phenomenon of natural healing in terms anyone can understand.It’s to be hoped that his book is not only read, but also accepted as a fine first step toward understanding the power that lies within us.
James Abraham, Book Critic, Editor and Author
In a previous work Csongor Daniel writes, “…there is much more beyond our knowledge than we can ever imagine.” The Girl with the Healing Hands not only lifts the boundaries of our imagination, but addresses us at a stage before we have learned to doubt its possibilities. Heartfully written and wonderfully illustrated, The Girl with the Healing Hands is a rewarding read for any age.
Steven R. Pollard, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
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