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- Meditate the Pain Away
Back in 2006, when visiting my teacher, Zdenko Domancic in Slovenia, something struck me from our conversation. “All health problems are caused by stress” were his firm words I could only deny in my mind. The man had healed over a million people by then, after all. Wouldn’t bad diet, lack of nutrition and exercise, and various viruses and bacteria be a factor though?
Many years later, during one of my long-distance healing sessions, I noticed something weird around my client’s head and shoulders. For years I have seen the energy imbalances stress causes in that area, but I would never notice this extra present dark cloud. Almost like in the cartoons over the fuming characters, except not exactly above the head. The last couple of years these clouds have cleared to my vision and have intensified. They turned out not to be clouds at all.
I have been teaching for years the importance of keeping the energy field in balance. It should look like an egg-shape around you, at least an arm’s reach distance in thickness. It should also be in constant motion. Too much energy at certain areas, or too little, as well as lack of flow – all cause problems. When in balance, your body is fully functional, with a strong immune system and complete protection, with the ability to heal itself. “Protection from what?” I asked myself a few times, thinking of bacteria and such, as well as negative thoughts, as the issue. It turns out that there is more for us to protect from.
I will try to ease you into the subject. We know in quantum physics that everything is energy and everything vibrates at certain frequencies. We pick up some of those frequencies with our senses. Only some. Just like a dog – for instance – cannot see the rainbow, we also cannot see other frequencies (think infrared, etc.). As a matter of fact, we can only pick up less than 0.1% of the electromagnetic frequencies around us (visible light, sound), which make up less then 0.1% of all the existing frequencies in the universe! So, would you say there is a lot more out there than we can perceive?
The picture was clearing slowly over the years, but the Covid pandemic brought out a motherload of stress and more of these clouds, which now look as dark gloomy worms attached to the host. At first, I was shocked to see some “creature” so blatantly on my clients in my meditation. They were attached like blood sucking vampires – or more precisely, like intestinal worms. They looked scary and ugly and there were big ones and little ones – even microscopic, but they were somewhat faceless. Not like the demons from “Ghost”, but denser, longer and with jagged suction cup-like heads. Their most common attachment point? The neck and upper traps, the exact area out of balance when stressed. However, they are found elsewhere as well – all wounds, ill areas, places out of energetic balance. Some may be fresh, while others may have been there for a lifetime – like in case of intestinal parasites. I was stunned with their numbers but was relieved to see how easy it was to get rid of them.
I saw the clearest picture last year with a little boy, a 1.5-year-old suffering from over 100 drop seizures a day, many of them grand mal. I treated him personally over several sessions and continued over long distance. His grand mal seizures stopped immediately (and haven’t returned to date), but the number of drop seizures was still up to 50. Once the distance sessions began, I instantly saw the creatures attached to his head and neck. I was able to get rid of them quite fast and proceeded to build a strong energy field around him. Later that night, his father excitedly texted me video snippets from the baby monitor, which was following an orb that was circling his son. It was seemingly trying to “get in” but it couldn’t. I have seen orbs in Egyptian pyramids and temples, but nothing like this. Not sure if it is any kind of evidence, but it was plenty for me. The little guy’s seizures went down below 30 at that point.
The demonic parasites – as I called them early on – are more like energy parasites and mean no one any harm. At least nothing personal. I now liken them to the bacteria living off the warm well on the ocean floor. They only know that there is food and life for them. These energy parasites do the same. There is an opening in your energy and, like a crack in the ocean floor, these guys sense food and latch on. We live in different frequencies, not different dimensions. We don’t sense each other in a normal sense, but share the same space. A strong energy field is invisible for them, as if we were not even there. An opening in the field (stress) becomes perceptible to these “energy” creatures and voila: food. Big stress = lots of food. Stress out an entire population = banquet!
I have since searched for a mention of these creatures in various literatures, as well as the internet, and came up with more than enough information to know that I wasn’t just seeing ghosts. I wasn’t hallucinating. From ancient texts to modern military infrared vision experiments, the creatures show up in different shapes and forms. Many Ayahuasca trips describe them in detail.
I do know one thing. There is no magic pill to anything. I have already described what it takes energetically to be in balance in my book: Bioenergy Healing. Sure, live a healthy lifestyle with fresh air, water, vegetables, fruit, etc. However, the biggest difference you can make is if you stay happy. Happiness and love create the strongest energy field. Stress makes the energy field weak almost instantly. Constant stress keeps it there. We have demonstrated many times in my seminars how a negative thought makes your energy thinner in an instant. The opposite goes for positive thoughts. Stress is only a response to a situation in your mind. Everything is made of two opposites (call them yin and yang if you wish) and there is no one without the other. Every negative event has something positive attached to it. You may not see it now but someday you will. You may be pissed about a rainy day, but you don’t see the fresh, plump grass until later. Thus, there is really no negative event. Just an event – that you may interpret as positive or negative. Nothing is worth stressing about – unless a rabid lion is chasing you! Choose happy and enjoy life. I have devoted a whole chapter in my book to positive thinking – if you have a chance, please read it!
I hope I convinced you to take care of your mental and emotional wellbeing. What else can you do other than the conventional treatments and healthy approaches?
-Think positive, laugh a lot, be happy, and love, or better yet – be in love.
-Eat high vibration foods.
-Drink a lot of water (possibly alkaline) with good salt in it (a quarter of a teaspoon of Tuzla salt (or any other with ≥97% NaCl) per glass of water is the best) for lasting hydration and the most important electrolyte in your body. (Read my blog about salt!)
-Meditate with me every Tuesday and Friday to keep your energy healthy and balanced:
I hope I didn’t scare you too much. But maybe it is time to stop for a moment, put the phone down, and think about what is really important in your life; what and who makes you happy. When the picture is clear, life is good.
Whether you believe in this or in the boogieman, do yourself a favor and listen to your old teachers!
Csongor Daniel is a veteran healer and author of Bioenergy Healing – Simple Techniques for Reducing Pain and Restoring Health through Energetic Healing.
Csongor Daniel